viernes, 28 de octubre de 2022

BLOG 5: Changes to my study programme.


I study Visual arts at University of Chile, I’m doing my third year and I believe that my career has a lot of classes borings what they aren't necessary. We have “Seminary” for example, and I hate this class because We need get up early and the content isn’t very interesting or important in my opinion, al most not to my process and my artwork. Well, we can debate about their importance, but I think that matters, like “seminary” or “methodology” just they only steal our time and energy to have more time in our central workshops and do practical things and produce works, and I don´t like that either.

Well, that’s just my opinion, but at the same time I think what we have just for years to study, and I don´t know, maybe if we don´t have that matters, we would be less stress and we could enjoy more our artistic process. In addition, the infrastructure isn’t the best, but I´m not sure if it´s the worst. Is more like that…is basic and very rustic, without technologies or things like that, no, we faculty just have computers with some edition’s programs and... that´s all.

But at lest we teachers are friendly, comprehensive and they try to do the best to teach us the best way, just correcting us, recommending artistic movements, artists or all kind of things to improve our art. All that things make my career the best, at least for me. I love the environment in out campus, because is cute, comfortable and all the people here is gentle, so, I recommend that about visual arts.

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