This page is great to search for different paintings or artists and see the paintings in detail. If you´re an artist or you´re interesting in the arts, in general, you can use and enjoy this website.
Google arts is an extension of google related to the arts (obviously). If you want to know more about artistic techniques, important characters, places, artistic movements, color, or a museum in 360° you can use the section “explorer” and navigate until you find something you like or catch your eye.
It also has games to play alone or with friends. Games like, how much you know about x topic, or where is x character, play with music or do test, too. I don't use a lot of this section, but it looks funny.
Oh, this website has a map where you can search the museums closer to you to do a visit.
All this is great, yeah, sounds exciting, but my favorite section is “favorites” because with this, I can save all the themes, paintings, and characters what I want to watch later. It´s cool because I can zoom the image until I see the brushstroke of the artist and, thanks to that, I can study to replicate the way in which the artist made his artworks. This is the reason why I like it.
Unfortunately, I just visit this page 2 or 3 times in one month, but I recommend it anyway. Maybe someone can take advantage of google arts better than me.